Split Dictation

This is an example of Split Dictation. It is in A and B parts on a 8.5 X 11″ sheet of paper. I copy the pages and divide them to give A and B to partners. I ALWAYS designate the partners. Reading academic language requires a student with slightly higher skill level to be paired with one with emerging language skills.

Hero’s Journey: A Learning Discovery for English Language Learners
1. Split dictation is a barrier activity ________________________________________________.
2. Split dictation will tell my students _______________________________________.
3. A pictorial is a pencil tracing on butcher paper I use ___________________________ _______________________.
4. A pictorial is how I TELL my students ______________________________________________________.
5. A summary is _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________.
6. A summary reminds my students _____________________________.
7. The Hero’s Journey is __________________________________________________.
8. Learning the Hero’s Journey will give students ____________________________ ___________________________________.

Hero’s Journey: A Learning Discovery for English Language Learners
1. _________________________________________in which students take turn dictating to one another.
2. ____________________________________________ what they are GOING to learn.
3. __________________________________________ to make information
APPEAR for my lesson.
4. A pictorial is how I TELL my students the information I want them to know.
5. ______________________________________________ a good way to get students to focus on the essential ideas of a text or lesson.
6. ______________________________________________________________ what they LEARNED.
7. ________________________________________ a basic pattern found in many narratives.
8. ____________________________________ the fundamental structures and stages of narratives.

For more information: http://www.flesl.net/TESL/spl-dct(TSL).html

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